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Byrd Dynamics Has A Solution for

Global Warming

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The Instantly renewed Energy System consumes zero fossil fuels in its production of energy and produces zero emissions, thereby no Greenhouse  gases. It is capable of operating for 700,000 to 750,000 hours without having to be refueled or recharged. The ferrous energy cells would be replaced at a nominal cost. Over time, the savings in fuel and maintenance would pay for the unit in use. In addition to vehicular use, the Instantly Renewed Energy System could be used to produce electricity for homes and businesses. One 353 HP engine could produce enough electricity for ten 3200 sq. ft. homes or one 32,000 sq. ft. commercial building and not loose power during a severe storm because of downed power wires or a malfunctioning power grid. Smaller engines could power individual residences.

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The Instantly renewed Energy System could be used in the same ways as any gasoline or Diesel engine in the production of energy, from the production of electricity to powering motor vehicles. Militarily, this engine would be of a great tactical value. Consider an Army tank, helicopter, drone or Naval vessel with a virtually unlimited operation range. The Instantly Renewed Energy System would obviously be a great advantage both militarily and economically to America or to any nation that has it. This engine would be instrumental in turning a trade deficit into a trade surplus and could even be in the realm of national security. 


As stated initially, Byrd Dynamics LLC is a small Company with a great innovation. As with all situations, there is strength in weakness and weakness. Our weakness is our dearth of capital, our strength is our size, which allows us to be facile and flexible with a multifaceted approach to implementing the production, distribution and capitalization of the Instantly Renewed Energy System. Our greatest strength is owning the Patent for this emission-free engine which will stop Global Warming/Climate Change.   


Many attempts have been made to ameliorate carbon emissions in motor vehicles. Hybrids, plug in electric  cars such as Chevrolet's Cruise and Elon Musk's Tesla with its multiple batteries all have one thing in common, they all consume fossil fuels. Hybrids consume fossil fuel in the gasoline cycle to charge the battery and plug ins have to be charged using electricity from coal, lignite, diesel or natural gas powered plants, which, except for natural gas powered plants, pollute more than the gasoline or Diesel engines that they replace. In addition, electric plug ins require numerous strategically placed charging stations. The Instantly Renewed Energy System has none of these drawbacks.


We at Byrd dynamics LLC are inviting investors with the temerity, vision and the ability to be involved in the most beneficial and profitable enterprise in recent history. If you're concerned about the devastating effects of Global Warming/Climate Change such as the recent wildfires in California, droughts and severe storms, contact for information about our stock Certificates.

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This is a great opportunity to invest in something that matters. Not only will you get a 7-1 return on your investment, you will be helping to save our planet at the same time.

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